Sporty amenities

There are huge numbers of serviced office spaces available, but often companies that do not feel at home in business parks with their numerous additional services have to settle for lower-quality spaces. Käpylä 87 is an exception. With us, you don't have to compromise on the quality of the facilities, and the services are available there too, but you choose which of them you want to use. A restaurant, gym,  physiotherapy and a convenience store are at your disposal, or you can arrange the services you want yourself. It's your call.

Not as popular as they once were, saunas are becoming a rare find, but we wanted to preserve this wonderful space and offer our tenants the opportunity to enjoy a trip back in time and explore the history of the building. The Finns are world-famous for negotiating deals and making tough decisions while sweating in a sauna. What world-changing innovations could have been made here over time?

sports + sauna are 100% match


300 m² kokoinen edustus- ja saunatila on rakennettu alun perin Amer-yhtymän edustuskäyttöön.